Teaching online, face to face, has never been better

Secure, simple and encrypted video conferencing

Get help whenever and wherever.

The way we live, work and collaborate has changed in this new world. We are spending much more time online sharing personal & enterprise confidential information in virtual session. 


Online Meetings, Training & Technical Support

Video Webinar

Marketing Events & Town Hall Meetings

Conference Rooms

Build Collaboration-Enabled Conference Rooms

Invite anyone

Easily screen share your whole desktop during your meeting, or choose to share one document or application, like a Microsoft PowerPoint.


Real-time collaboration is easier than ever when multiple people can share their screens at the same time. 

Top Schools use Hailo

They use angelchat

Secure, simple and encrypted video conferencing

Simplifying digital communication and building in security, as part of the foundation of our infrastructure, we know that we can positively impact and simplify the way we communicate, safeguard digital privacy and ensure that the future of the internet is a safe, secure and an open space to share, connect and grow.

Organizing the world’s meetings and making them universally accessible, safe and easy-to-use.

We created a secure and easy-to-use video conferencing platform that puts our users integrity first. We did this because we believe that there is a general lack of oversight within tech, too many privacy violations and not enough focus on ensuring that privacy and integrity is not forgotten. We don’t have access to your realtime conversations or communications and that’s how it shall remain.

Our privacy philosophy blends connectivity and integrity while putting you first.

Your encrypted interactions and data belong to you. We have no right to resell what is yours, nor will we ever. We promise to clearly and concisely explain our tech to you and will dedicate ourselves to upholding your privacy, anonymity and security while you use our platform.

Frequently asked questions about angelChat

Our architecture is peer-to-peer based. Your video, sound and text do not even reach our servers. When we add repeaters to our system they will be fully open-source and you will even be able to deploy them on your own machine if you do not trust us enough.


This depends exclusively on your bandwidth and the room type. On a regular home network connection it works well to have 15-500 people in a conference and 30-2,500 people in a webinar.

Yes, anyone can share the screen in a conference call mode. In a webinar mode this makes little sense, there instead we’ll have a feature of host transition.